Granite Surface Tables


We are Granite Surface Tables are trading using natural black granite stone, quarried from earth in its natural form. These precision granite surface plates are precision lapped to high standards of flatness to achieve accuracy and are used as bases for mounting sophisticated mechanical, electronic and optical gauging systems. Our quality inspectors and engineers put a strict vigilance at all the stages of the production procedure to ensure high quality plates. Further, the final inspection is carried out by a high precision computerized electronic level made by wyler of Switzerland. Our range of precision granite surface plates are utilized in precision tool rooms, engineering industries and research laboratories.

Some of the unique features of our range of plates are:

  • Uniformity In Hardness
  • Accurate Under Load Conditions
  • Vibration Absorbent
  • Easy To Clean
  • Rust-Proof, Non-Corrosive
  • Thermal Stability
  • Wrap Resistant
  • Low Porosity
  • Non-Abrasive, Non-Magnetic